Here's what they say about us.

In our opinion, there is no higher compliment than the kind words of a satisfied student or their family members. Here are just a few testimonials and kind words from graduates, students and supporters.
Where should I begin? My expedited but very thorough handgun training experience (Philly Firearms Academy's Intermediate Pistol Course) that Jose Morales put me through in a four hour period was one of the best experiences of my life. I came in as law enforcement officer with very horrible qualification scores that would put me on desk duty if I did not pass.
Within just a few minutes of meeting with Jose, he was the perfect doctor for all my shooting woes. Before, my departmental qualifications, I barely got to the 70’s with a perfect score being a 300 in a 60 round course 25 yards and in. After meeting with Jose, I was able to qualify with a 271 out of 300 at my second qualification opportunity. Jose broke me down and built me right back up and instilled in me life changing fundamentals that I will hold on to for the rest of my life.
Thanks for everything brother.
Officer Jeffrey J., Philadelphia, PA
Jose Hope all is well with you. This is Les, a teacher and former student of your academy. Back in 2015 I made the decision to become a responsible concealed carry citizen and found your operation to be my first step toward this life long journey and lifestyle. You met me at Surplus City and helped me pick out my first firearm ( Glock 19 gen 4) it’s the one I still use as my EDC… Fast forward to today and I have now logged many hours of online training, have been a member of both The NRA and USCC Association along with over 100 hours at the range.
I came across your email while looking something up and wanted to reach out and say thank you and make it know to you that you helped shape my life in a way to put me in a greater position to protect my loved ones… you were a real game changer for me…
Les, Philadelphia, PA
I have to admit that when I first considered taking a PFA course, I said to myself, "now what could I possibly learn that I didn't already know?"
What I realized out after just a few minutes training with you is how very little I actually knew and was absolutely amazed at how drastically my marksmanship improved after only a few exercises, some feedback and your modifications to my technique!
In short, this "old dog definitely learned a few new tricks" and I recommend your instruction to anyone, regardless of their skill level.
Jonathan G., Center City, Philadelphia, PA
Today was the second time I went out shooting on my own at a range since my class with you. I'm very thankful to have taken your course. I feel confident that I'm handling the gun safely at home when cleaning it, transporting it, and while using it at the range. Second, although I have a lot of work and practice ahead of me, I look to the lanes to the left and right of me thinking "They should have taken a class with Jose." I appreciate the fundamentals you have taught me and look forward to taking your advanced courses.
Adam B., Royersford, PA.
My niece and I can not express and share how wonderful it was having you for our instructor. We will be in touch in the very near future for more classes and 3 more people who are excited from our experience but wanted to let you know we were so pumped-excited during and after our experience. You are a wonderful, great and amazing instructor. God Bless.
Cheryl D., Philadelphia, PA.
Thank you very much for the awesome experience in both classes (Utah and Basic Pistol). I also thank you for sharing your professional real world teaching. My interest and commitment to getting better at firearm safety and pistoling is peaked. I look forward to training more with you in the near future.
Wayne, H., West Grove, PA.
or novice or experienced shooters, the NRA Basic Pistol class is time and money that's well spent. The class moves at deliberate pace to ensure you understand key concepts. I can best describe the class as conversational and it's appropriate since Jose goes the extra mile to make it an engaging experience. You'll walk away from this class knowing how to SAFELY use your firearm.
Kindest Regards,
Chris, H., Havertown, PA.
I would first like to thank you for the opportunity and experience of taking your basic pistol course. I have to admit that at first I was extremely nervous. I had never taken a pistol course before besides short training sessions at the range. I had had my license to carry and had owned a gun for several years, but each time I went to the range, I had forgotten the basic loading/unloading and handling procedures I was taught. Needless to say, I was not expecting to grasp much information during this training, but I had won the course through a drawing and I thought to myself that now is the perfect time to not only learn how to handle my gun, but to handle it is a safe manner, which is more important than anything.
While taking the course and even after, I was so intrigued by the way the information was presented. I am a teacher and I’ve been through five years of college and graduate school, I present information to my students everyday and I only hope to be half as good as you are. Sometimes, seminars or lectures can be boring, but I did not feel that way one bit. The course was about six hours, but you presented the information in a manner that was interesting and engaging. Also, much of the information that was presented I still remember today, which reflects your effectiveness as a presenter. The experience was amazing and the result of the course to me is a testament to how knowledgeable you are on this subject. Your passion also shows through in your presentation and is truly inspiration to me as a teacher and contagious.
Overall, I learned a great deal about gun safety and handling a firearm over the course of the day. I also was amazed at how accurate my shooting was with the small amount of advice you gave me! I would absolutely recommend you as an instructor for any pistol course you offer. This was an amazing experience and thanks again.
Yarilis, Philadelphia, PA
I took the Basics of Pistol Shooting (Part 2) with Jose at Philly Firearms Academy. Jose is one of the best instructors I’ve ever had (not just firearms related, but in all types of instructor to student settings). He is passionate, knowledgable, and truly enjoys teaching. The class was very enjoyable, and 6 hours went by so quickly.
Jose genuinely cares about his students doing well. He took time to ask if there were any questions, and made sure the class knew they could contact him at any time with questions even after the class was completed. Jose/Philly Firearms Academy exceeded my expectations. I will definitely be signing up for additional services offered."
Lauren K., Philadelphia, PA
My wife and I took the NRA Basic Pistol Course today and I couldn't be happier. It had been several years since I had been shooting and my wife had never shot before.
She wanted to learn about firearms and I wanted her to take a course that covered all the basics to give her the confidence she needed to shoot for the first time. I knew the second the class started it was going to be good and Jose did not disappoint. They helped me get rid of some training issues I had and not only did they give my wife the confidence she needed, but now she wants to join a range to continue practicing.
The attention to detail and one on one assistance was unbelievable. Jose, E.R., and the rest of the team are true professionals. The level of passion, commitment, and knowledge that they display is a true testament to how good they are. Way to go guys, you truly are fantastic ambassadors for the firearm community.
Tom P., Siklerville, NJ
Thank you so very much for the excellent gun course! It was all I hoped it would be, the more so because of your enthusiasm and knowledge, your confidence and experience, your patience and humor. I especially like the way you emphasized the importance of making mistakes under your tutelage: it not only gave us permission to act boldly enough to risk 'failure,' but you made it safe for us to do so by being unconditionally supportive of our effort and aim instead of being judgmental about our falling short of perfection.
I'd like to meet with you to talk about a way that we could be of benefit to one another. Please call me at 773.368-4122 to discuss this further. Again, thanks so much for teaching this course. I look forward to hearing from you.
Karen B., East Falls, PA
Thank you for an very enjoyable course on Saturday. Leah and I learned a lot more than we expected.
David S., Bryn Mawr, PA
For novice or experienced shooters, the NRA Basic Pistol class is time and money that's well spent. The class moves at deliberate pace to ensure you understand key concepts. I can best describe the class as conversational and it's appropriate since Jose goes the extra mile to make it an engaging experience. You'll walk away from this class knowing how to SAFELY use your firearm.
Chris H., Havertown, PA
Wanted to say thank you Jose, you are an excellent instructor. The course was really interesting and very informative. I felt comfortable I never had an instructor that was so patient and outgoing like you. I will definitely recommend you to my friends and family. I will definitely be back to take another course.
Elizabeth R., Philadelphia, PA
Thanks again. The course was great and you and your team are terrific!We intend to sign up for the concealed carry boot camp and the intermediate course as well...thanks for a great session and imparting a safety-first mindset throughout the day on the proper handling and use of firearms. I continue to recommend your courses to my family and friends!
Best regards,
Bill M., Yardley, PA
Hi, Jose,
Thank you so very much for the excellent gun course! It was all I hoped it would be, the more so because of your enthusiasm and knowledge, your confidence and experience, your patience and humor. I especially like the way you emphasized the importance of making mistakes under your tutelage: it not only gave us permission to act boldly enough to risk 'failure,' but you made it safe for us to do so by being unconditionally supportive of our effort and aim instead of being judgmental about our falling short of perfection.
KB, Camden, NJ
I want to thank you again for the outstanding and professional role you had in absolutely revolutionizing the way I think about and use my hand guns. I am extremely careful to begin with when handling all firearms, but I was truly surprised at the “rookie” mistakes I was making.
That along with making me into a new person with amazing abilities to accurately and repeatedly hit my target, grouping my shots in a way I never thought possible. You have made my practice time at the range, (in New Jersey) … fun again! I’m looking forward to perfecting my skills and look forward to going to the next level. You are gifted as a trainer. Thanks again Jose.
All the best to you and yours,
Michael M, Riverton, NJ
"This was my first gun training course, but certainly not my last. As a beginner, Jose made the class enjoyable and fun, while still being safe. Safety is his number one concern so there's nothing to worry about when he's teaching.
Jose definitely knows what he is talking about. It's scary how much there is to learn about guns and it's even scarier how little gun owners really know. Every current and prospective gun owner should take this course. If more people did, the world would be a better place. I can't wait until the next course! Thanks Jose!"
David S., Manayunk, Philadelphia, PA
Hi José,
Thank you for fun day of high yield material and practical skills that will serve me in the shooting range and in life in general. I will definitely stay in touch.
Thanks again!
Ed O., Center City, Philadelphia, PA
Thanks for the class Jose. It was a solid class and I enjoyed it.
Chris M., Collegeville, PA.
Hey José,
I would like to thank you for the training session yesterday. I learned so much, and my confidence has definitely been boosted for not only concealed carry, but also in investing my money on range time. I feel my range experience will now be more enjoyable because I know what to work on, and there is a good possibility that I will repeatedly hit the mark.
The education I received has helped me view my firearm in a completely different way. The respect for the firearm will always be there, but the intimidation has diminished when it comes to properly handling it. I recommend this course to anyone. You are a great teacher and your passion for this is a great motivator.
Thanks again. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
David B., Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, PA
Hello José ,
I just wanted to take this time to thank you for an awesome training experience. The time we spent training has really made a difference in my use of firearms. I am writing this after I just returned from the Range here in Afghanistan, where last year I scored Marksman, which is the lowest level of qualifying to now achieving Expert.
I hit all of my shots on target and I would not have done this well without taking your classes. The fundamentals you stressed to me really paid off: Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Control, and Follow Through. The trigger reset drill you taught helped me get back on target very quickly, especially in the QRD ( Quick Reaction Drill) where we were shooting from various positions and on the move.
I really appreciate you bringing in your Beretta 92 and showing me how to manipulate that firearm, since it is what the US Military issues and is what I carry over here. I really appreciate that, I am looking at purchasing one to add to my collection when I get back next time.
My shooting abilities have greatly improved, I appreciate the tips on improving my AR-15 proficiency as well. Replacing the charging handle was awesome, I bought one for my military issued Colt M4 and it made a huge difference, especially since we were out in the cold rain. I could go on but I will stop here. I look forward to training with you when I get back stateside. The training was invaluable and you are an awesome instructor.
Mike M., Southampton, PA (deployed to Afghanistan)
José ,
My apologies, I meant to reply to this sooner. Thank you again for being such a great teacher of the Basic Pistol Course I took on April 12th. While such a long class seemed like it would be daunting and drag on, your presentation of the material (and humor along the way), made the day pass very quickly and I learned a lot. I am now more confident and more cognizant of safety when handling and utilizing pistols. Your tips on the range were also very helpful to me. I'll definitely be back to take the Intermediate Pistol Course.
Angela L., Paoli, PA
José ,
I wanted to say thank you for having my family at your class yesterday, and specifically the special attention you gave my mom during range time. They all had a great time and are talking about taking the intermediate class. They couldn't thank me enough for sending them your way. My dad described you as a consummate professional, with a personality. That's a rare assessment coming from him.
David D., Norristown, PA
Every firearms owner (or prospective owner) should take a course at PFT. You cannot ask for a better trainer than Jose — not only are the courses informative, practical and valuable, but he makes them genuinely fun and interesting. Training with is one investment you will never regret.
Anthony V., Blackwood, NJ
Thank you again for your high energy and easy spirit, it allowed nearly 8 hours of instructional to fly by and more importantly to stick. You are a born instructor and I look forward to taking more training from you in the near future.
Nelson, Spring Garden, Philadelphia, PA
You are the man! You are quite knowledgeable, very patient and skilled in your profession of teaching what could be a "scary and dangerous" subject especially for anyone who is handling a firearm for the very first time. Thank you for your passion, dedication and commitment and your "safety first" approach. It put me at ease very quickly. The course was very comprehensive and truly a confidence builder.
The way you presented the material including the many hands-on practical exercises made class participation a necessity, and made learning easy. Your support and direction at the range was also most helpful and appreciated. Thanks again! Not only will I recommend that others take the NRA Pistol Course, I will specifically recommend your course.
Jim J., Springfield, PA
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise about firearms during your basic firearm training class. Your patience and hands on training has increased my comfort level in handling and carrying my weapon. Before I attended your class, I was hesitant about carrying my firearm. I didn't think that I had enough training and confidence in myself to carry in public even though I've had my license to carry for fifteen-years.
After taking your class, I am much more confident and knowledgeable about the safe handling of a (my) firearm. I even learned the difference between a 'clip' and a 'magazine.' But more importantly, you taught me a life skill that can save my life. I plan to take your intermediate class and maybe, just maybe, I can one day shadow you and become a female instructor. You've inspired me!
Christine, Center City, Philadelphia, PA
I am a new shooter and just took José's NRA Basic Pistol course. If you want firearms instruction in the Philadelphia area, I highly recommend him. He unquestionably meets all the technical qualifications to teach you the material (military service, NRA certified Advanced Handgun Instructor of which there are only like 200 in the country, deeply knowledgeable, but at the same time possesses something 99.9% of all teachers don't: the combination of a highly charismatic, fun, passionate, comforting, and trustworthy personality.
To a new shooter like me, learning about firearms can be intimidating. José had me more at ease within two minutes of talking to him on the phone (we ended up talking for almost an hour about my concerns and what I wanted to learn before I even signed up). The class flew by, and everyone caught his positive attitude like it was infectious. José was extremely thorough and didn't rush.
I feel very confident handling a firearm, and was shooting a tight group on my very first target because I had been so well instructed. I rarely write reviews because I feel mediocre service is so common these days and not worth the effort. José just totally blew me away. He has this genuine passion for helping others. If you're researching firearms instructors in the Philly area, just stop here and sign up.
Robert, Roxborough Philadelphia
I wanted to thank you for the time and effort you put forward this past Saturday (2 Feb). I am sure you don’t remember but I brought my adult son and daughter in for a class that afternoon as well as some shooting at your range. You taught the class in the beginning and were outstanding. You taught them that while they were holding a dangerous weapon in their hands, it was not something to fear, something that they will both remember. I spent 23 years in the military and have been around weapons my entire adult life and I truly appreciate what you did that day.
As a father, thank you very much! Best Regards
Steve K, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, PA
"I can not give high enough praise for Jose as an instructor. I just finished his basic pistol course and 15 minutes on the range he had me shooting faster and tighter groups than I've ever shot. TAKE HIS COURSES!
Robert, Kensington, Philadelphia
I have taken the Basic Pistol Course years ago but based on your reputation I wanted to retake it again with you and I wasn’t disappointed. Your course is worth every minute and every dollar! Your instructors are top notch and demonstrate patience with all of their students. Whether you are new to the shooting sports or have been involved with them for years, I would highly recommend checking out PFA's extensive selection of courses, which is the best investment you can make to ensure your safety and proficiency with firearms.
Be safe, train, and practice,
Darren, Upper Darby, PA / Second Amendment Supporters Group on Facebook.
Thank you again for your high energy and easy spirit, it allowed nearly an 8 hours of instructional education to fly by, and more importantly to stick. You are a born instructor and I look forward to taking more training from you in the near future.
Nelson, Center City, Philadelphia, PA
I want to thank you again for the excellent training you gave everyone on Saturday, August 10th. The reviews I read on the Internet were true! You have the patience, skill and attitude to teach these classes.Thanks for the additional time you gave me on the range. I definitely need another gun to practice the skills taught and to go to the range on a regular basis...the materials given were also great. I will review them often...I plan to stay in touch and come back in January buy I want to improve using the .22. Take Care and thanks again!!!
Lisa, Philadelphia, PA
I heartily recommend Jose’s firearms course. I have taken two so far, the Utah Permit Course and the NRA Basic Pistol Course and I intend to take all of the NRA courses from Jose as you stay with a teacher that can teach.
I wish I had taken the courses before I purchased a handgun as that would have influenced my purchases. There is quite a difference between researching from articles and speaking to someone knowledgeable that uses the tools. I urge you all to to take his courses before buying. The money spent is well worth it.
John, Collingswood, NJ
I learned many valuable lesson's from taking your Basic Firearms Course. Some things that I did not consider prior to your course. Thank you for laying down the foundation of basic firearm handling. Thanks again I really enjoyed your class,
Naisha, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, PA
Thank you so much for the fantastic class last Saturday. Both my wife and I feel much safer, and more confident around our guns now and Jean really liked the gun you gave her to use at the range in place of her pink LCP...
Jim V, Lambertville, NJ
Looking forward to another class soon Jose. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, expertise and gun!
Jean V, Lambertville, NJ
Just wanted to thank you for the class, which we enjoyed very much, it was all we expected and more. We will be looking forward to taking the intermediate when we get a chance.
Thanks again!
Greg G., Center City, Philadelphia, PA
I recently attended an NRA Basic Pistol Course taught by Jose Morales. The material was presented in a clear and concise manner. All topics were thoroughly reviewed and the class size was small and allowed for individual instruction. By the end of the day I felt as though I had a thorough understanding of safe firearm practices.
Joe, Aston, PAFirst, I forgot to thank you for letting me train with your Glock. I appreciate it because I quickly realized it was important to solidify my foundation with a grip that fills my hand. So, thank you. We have started looking for another Glock 19 for training and because I decided I should carry a "full size" pistol but we are also considering other choices (e.g. the S&W M&P as you recommend).
I received enormous benefit from your training. My first realization, based on mistakes I made early in our session that I would not have made on the range is that, particularly if I am going to carry, my head must always be in the game not just in a range environment...
Mike, Philadelphia, PA
I want to thank you for an excellent course. The lessons learned will guide me throughout my entire shooting life. You are an amazing instructor with an unmatched talent. I really appreciated your time, attention, and professionalism while conducting our class.
I already registered for my florida permit. So i will be seeing you again on this coming saturday. Also I want to point out that you make the whole process of registering and paying through PayPal quick and easy. Thanks again and regards.
Victor, Center City, Philadelphia
Thanks for the class! I have been a long time shooter but I knew that I was making some mistakes and that there were areas that I could approve upon. That was a great class and you definitely take a shooter to the next level in a very short amount of time. I look forward to taking additional classes with you!
Jim, Boothwyn, PA
It is about time that I've gotten around to thanking you for the wonderful extended training session that you gave to my daughter Jennifer and my wife Kathy. All of us are very appreciative of the knowledge you shared and the professional way that you did so. It was a great opportunity for Jen to test a number of guns that she might like to carry.
Milt, West Chester, PA
I just wanted to send you a message thanking you, and your wife, for your excellent instruction during Saturday's pistol safety course. I appreciated the extra time you took with me. The course was excellent, it was money was well spent. It was so much fun shooting that 22 semi-automatic pistol! And then to fire that 38 special -- WOW! Two thumbs up and thank you!
Kathy, Philadelphia, PA
Both my wife and I felt we learned a lot about gun safety and it was fun, too! You are a highly skilled instructor and I look forward to exploring the world of handguns and home defense...Thanks again for a very, very positive experience.
Jim, Center City Philadelphia
I wanted to drop you a note of thanks after taking your Home Defense Shotgun course. As a novice, it was an invaluable introduction to not just the firearm, but all aspects of firearm ownership - general firearms safety, safe operation of a shotgun, preparation for a home invasion, etc. Needless to say, the range time was a blast, too.I appreciated your focus on safety and for making your class approachable for those new to firearms.I highly recommend your services and I look forward to taking additional classes in the future.
Craig, Wynnewood, PA
I cant thank you enough for the class. It was a pleasure meeting you and I definitely will be getting in contact for the next class. Coming into saturday I had no prior firearm experience and was uncomfortable handling a firearm. After taking your class I was not only comfortable with firearms but confident in my ability to use one safely and efficiently. I would highly recommend your class to anyone.
Thank you again Jose and I look forward to seeing you again.
Pat, King of Prussia, PAI truly enjoyed you introducing me to and teaching me about the fundamentals of shotgun use during your Defensive Shotgun Course and your professional demeanor, expertise, and approach to training someone like me who had, up until yesterday, no knowledge of a defensive shotgun. You allowed any questions to be asked, and responded in a clear thoughtful manner not only verbally but through hands on demonstrations to make sure I was catching on the right way.
Based upon my positive experience with you yesterday I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone looking for a more than qualified weapons instructor. I look forward to taking additional courses with you and will be doing so.
God Bless and take care.
Milt, West Chester, PA
Dear José,
I have to be completely candid with you and admit that when I first considered taking a one to one session with you, I said to myself, "now what could I possibly learn that I didn't already know?" and despite my extensive gun handling experience and high level of confidence in my ability to use my gun safely and effectively for personal and home protection, I decided to go ahead, meet with you and see what glean from our time together.
What I found out after just a few minutes with you is how very little I actually knew, despite all my shooting experience. I was absolutely amazed at how drastically my marksmanship improved after only a few exercises, some feedback and your modifications to my technique.
I was pleasantly surprised at your ability to explain complex topics in a way that not only made perfect sense but also clarified some long standing questions. In short, this "old dog definitely learned a few new tricks" and I recommend your instruction to anyone, regardless of their skill level.
Thank you again for everything!
Jonathan, Center City, Philadelphia, PA
I want to tell you how much I have valued both courses I have taken from you. You covered an enormous amount of technical and practical material in a very clear, concise and well organized way. As a new shooter, I now feel more comfortable around firearms and handling them, on my way to establishing the good habits of gun safety, on my way to shooting better and more accurately, and having fun. I fully intend to continue taking courses with you and getting one-on-one training.
Jim, Center City, Philadelphia, PA
It was definitely nice meeting you, and taking your class. I learned so much in one day. The way you explained everything was very informative, yet simple! I am going to Deliah's Gun Shop to order the M&P 9mm SHIELD tomorrow, and to tell them how awesome a teacher you are! I plan on taking your Intermediate Class next month.
I will definitely be in touch for my next class, and any questions concerning firearms!
Terrence, Cobbs Creek, Philadelphia, PA
I just wanted to thank you for a great class today. I only had a little knowledge about handguns and handgun safety, but I didn't realize how little it was until taking your class. I learned a lot and I am excited to put what I learned into practice. Your knowledge, professionalism and confidence in the classroom made me feel very comfortable. Thanks again and I am looking forward to taking some of your advanced classes.
James, Southampton, PA
Thank You for the great class. It was an excellent learning experience and you did a great job.
John, Malvern, PA
Just wanted to check in with you and say thanks again. I just moved to Florida and haven't shot in 3 months bc I had a sprained knee. Target is with my 22 at 10 yards. The target is a 6 inch target. Thought I'd be horrible but I just stuck to the principles you taught in intermediate class. It's not competition shooting but I at least showed up my cousin.
Thanks again and your classes were invaluable!
Tai, Orlando, FL
Just wanted to relay our thanks for the fabulous class on Saturday. Both Sarah and I were both really nervous and lost about what to do after we had decided to purchase a handgun, but by the end of class that had changed. We are now confident in our ability to safely have a handgun in our home and at the range. Many, many thanks!!!
Mike and Sarah, Collegeville, PA
It was such a pleasure to taking your class and I learned so much and many were things I would never have thought of had it not been for the class. I look forward to practicing with my daughter (who also took the class and speaks very highly of you) and taking the intermediate class. I went to bed that night with the words "FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER" in my head. Your course was worth every penny! Thanks!
Joanne, Philadelphia, PA
Dear José,
I am so much more comfortable with the gun now and am really glad Mark and I took your beginners NRA course. With the skills you taught and stressed I can now practice confidently with the gun. Once we have these skills down pat, Mark and I will definitely take the intermediate course with you to develop accuracy in shooting. Many thanks for your excellent, energetic, patient and enthusiastic teaching. I feel as though I am well on my way to becoming a responsible gun owner, which was my basic goal for enrolling in your class.
Mary Ann, Philadelphia, PA
I must tell you how much I enjoyed being in class with you, and how much I learned. It was one of the most beneficial and totally enjoyable eight hours that I have spent in a long time. You are truly a treasure.
Mark, Philadelphia, PA
Your intermediate handgun class was simply awesome. I think the class will pay for itself after a couple trips to the range for me. I expected to learn better technique with you watching, but I was surprised by how much I actually improved during our session. I think I went from an 8 or 10 inch grouping down down to a 3 or 4 inch grouping with my not so friendly .40 cal. So now my range time will be better spent working on proper technique and tight groups instead of just throwing money bullets down range.
Thanks again for all your help and information.
Best Regards,
Tai, Philadelphia, PA
Hi José,
We both enjoyed your teaching and found the class to be very informative. Deciding to have a deadly weapon in our home is not a decision we take lightly, and it is important to us that we knew how to use it and what it is capable of doing. Your class was most helpful to us in making sure we had the proper understanding of what having a gun in the house means. Thanks!
Steve and Tim, Philadelphia, PA
José, I thoroughly enjoyed your class. You are an excellent, patient, and devoted teacher.
John, New Hope, PAHi José, Just a quick note to say Thanks for such a great class today! I know what your knowledge and expertise is worth - and its very hard to put a dollar value on information that could save your life or that of a loved one. My wife found your course, presentation and demeanor very good, even comforting. She opened up and spoke about some of her concerns, even more than I thought she would. When I first mentioned this course I did not think she would even attend. For me this is a major breakthrough in my efforts to get our family on the same page regarding personal security.
My daughter Ali will most definitely benefit from the concepts presented - she really seemed interested in going to the class and felt it was well worth the time. I think she realizes the value and need for this info as she takes on more and more Independence - it also gives my wife and I a bit more comfort when she's away. So - I again say Thanks! Great Job!
I just wanted to take time to say thank you for yesterday's class. It was refreshing that you not only presented the material I needed to learn, but held me accountable for the basic concepts. Having taken a lot of academic and workshop type classes, there are too many times I get a teacher that just goes over the material to get to the end and that couldn't be further from the truth for you.
Your enthusiasm and knowledge for the material really showed and like I said, I like that you incorporated the concepts into the classroom environment when we handle the training guns. I look forward to taking your future classes and appreciate your continued availability to answer my questions, because I do have lots of them.
Tai, Philadelphia, PA
Dear José,
Thank you for a fascinating, informative, practical and fun course on Saturday. Your in-depth experience and knowledge of firearms made the course an outstanding and valuable experience. I would recommend the basic pistol class that I took to anyone interested in exploring the world of pistol shooting and self-defense. I'll be back soon to learn, and practice, more.
Lynne, Haverford, PAJosé, I just wanted to take a minute and let you know how much I enjoyed my class today. The material covered was excellent and your presentation was very through. Basic Pistol is an excellent course for anyone just getting started with handguns. Handgun safety is critically important and your course did a very good job covering this and many more topics. Well done!
Bill, Philadelphia, PA
Dear José,
Thanks for a great class! I had a lot of fun and was impressed with how much better my aim is now.
Nate, Havertown, PA
Dear José,
Thank you for a fascinating, informative, practical and fun course on Saturday. Your in-depth experience and knowledge of firearms made the course an outstanding and valuable experience! I would recommend the basic pistol class that I took to anyone interested in exploring the world of pistol shooting and self-defense. I'll be back soon to learn, practice and more.
Lynne, Haverford, PA
Dear José,
I cannot possibly express how patient, informative and helpful you were during the course. You helped enormously in making me feel less apprehensive in handling a firearm and I was amazed how I progressed in my shooting ability. And it just goes to show what a great instructor you are. I would recommend your courses to any and all students no matter what their skill level. Thank you again.
Rosa, Philadelphia, PA
Hi José, I want to thank you for a great day yesterday! We all have a great sense of accomplishment and I think our heads are still sorting through all the information and the shooting. I was impressed with the way you presented the information and how you kept it lively and moving along. Also impressive was your patience on the range and your ability to turn us into accurate and safe shooters.
Smith and family, Philadelphia, PA
I have taken two classes with José, First Steps Pistol and Pistol Level 2. I have found Jose to be an excellent and enthusiastic instructor who is extremely knowledgable. I have
recommended his classes to my friends and family.
Adrian, Ardmore, PA
I attended both the NRA First Steps Pistol Orientation course and the PFT Level II Handgun course and it was fantastic experience working with Instructor Morales. He over delivered on every question I asked him and I am already planning on taking more classes. I highly recommend Philadelphia Firearms Training to anyone who is either thinking about purchasing a firearm or is a firearm owner.
Danny, Moorestown, NJ
Thanks again for your class yesterday - it was extremely helpful and I learned hell of a lot!
Sunny, Mt. Laurel, NJ
José is fantastic! His class is not only informative but very fun for the students and made me fully aware about the responsibilities of handling a firearm.
Tiby, Philadelphia, PA
When I signed up for the class, I expected to learn about the mechanics of a firearm and the safety awareness behind using one. Not only did you help me accomplish that but you also taught me a lot more; the laws, the attitude, the outcome of being a firearm owner. You used your own experiences so that we can easily relate to the subject at hand. I especially enjoyed the hands-on coaching in and outside of the range. I also appreciate your dedication to ensuring that we walked away with the knowledge of all you had to share with us. I look forward to finding that firearm that fits me and embracing the lessons you taught. See you at the range!
Angela, Philadelphia, PA
I just wanted to say I enjoyed your class from beginning to end. I learned a lot...but the most valuable and important part of the course was firearm safety. I have since had my firearm license reinstated and look forward to taking more courses with you!
Christopher, Philadelphia, PA
Thank you sir! I got more out of your class than I first imagined. Not only did you have tons of information to impart, you delivered it in a way that made the time float by, and your hands-on coaching in the range was imparted in a way that put us at ease and got us to focus properly. That is very different from many teachers out there. I know that my nephew had an exceptional first experience with firearm safety and handling because of your teaching skill. We will be seeing you at the next level of training!
Tyler, Philadelphia, PA
Hello José, I just wanted to drop you a note and thank you again for yesterday's course. It was filled with information and ruled by safety, I could not have wished for a better instructor to be introduced to firearms by. If I was living closer I would send all my students to you to learn about firearms safety and handling. You've inspired me to continue.
Helene, East Quogue, NY
José, Thank you for taking your time on Sunday to provide the excellent
class, it was precisely what Mari and I were looking for. We both
enjoyed it very much, and Mari in particular is looking forward to
some more range time to utilize her new-found shooting skills! I'm
amazed at the accuracy and speed I was able to achieve using your
instruction, I feel much more confident in my own shooting as well!
Steve and Mari, Philadelphia, PA
Thanks so much for taking the time to teach the class, I definitely got the information I wanted and more! It was a very enriching class, helped me to not be afraid of a firearm, and taught me how to take control in a safe manner.
Andrew, Malvern, PA
José began to personalize the lessons from our first conversation on the phone. Instead of telling me how he was going to teach he asked me how I wanted to learn. My knowledge of firearms was pretty much limited to what I had seen in movies and it was because of preparing for a role in a movie as a hostage negotiator that I sought his help. He wanted me to learn, not just pay for a lesson. I never felt rushed or as though he was watching the clock and waiting for it to be over. He was patient, informative, interesting and helpful beyond expectation.
Steve, Philadelphia, PA
I had just purchased a shotgun and had never fired it. It's a big gun with big shells, and to tell you the truth I was very intimidated by it. It sat in the box for half a year until i decided to to get some professional help. Jose made me familiar and confortable with the shotgun. Always focusing on safety, and the students' needs, a true professional.
Boniface, Philadelphia, PA
After searching diligently for a qualified instructor in the Philadelphia area, I have been nothing short of completely satisfied with my choice of Philadelphia Firearms Training and José Morales for my education and training needs. José was immediately friendly, helpful and knowledgable during our discussions and training sessions. I always feel a sense of complete confidence and safety while training with him both inside and out of the gun range.
His vast knowledge and ability to not only answer my questions, but anticipate follow up questions and topics are rare to find, and only further my satisfaction with choosing José and his services. José is clearly well educated and experienced with all the topics and subjects of the training courses he offers, and is highly confident and competent but not arrogant in his abilities.His attention to detail and safety, as well as his customer's comfort and satisfaction are nothing short what I call the Gold Standard, and I would recommend his services to anyone who is interested in educating themselves regarding gun laws, safety, and training.
Sean, Philadelphia, PA
I was a firearms owner from 1978 to 1992, at which point I sold them and let my NRA membership lapse. (Foolish on my part) forward to Sept. of 2010, when I had the opportunity to take the firearms safety course with José. The course was a confidence builder and gave me a sense of reassurance in the handling of firearms after not having fired a gun in over 18 years.
José's experience,knowledge and personality made the course enjoyable. The fact that the course was sponsored by the NRA was the plus factor that convinced me that this was the course I needed to take to get reacquainted with a sport I loved so much.
Harry, Philadelphia, PA
José was remarkably patient and with the inexperienced! He made sure that everyone understood the information, and didn’t try to take the class to a more advanced level then what it needed to be. I’m looking forward to taking more of his classes in the future for sure! It was a great learning experience!
Andrew, Heapstead, MD
As an instructor of Officer Protection in various Police Academies around the world, frequently training other instructors, I fully endorse the methods and content of the courses offered by José.
Well - structured and well - presented, José takes the class at a speed to suit the levels of the participants, and in a personable manner, imparts the required knowledge to handle firearms safely and effectively.
Vince, Marlton, NJ
I think getting you involved in my decision to buy and learning how to handle a gun was the best decision I could have made.Thanks for spending so much time with me both at the range, via email and on the phone. I really enjoyed our time together and I got a TON out of it. In fact, now I realized that my friends who know guns don't know what the heck they are talking about and I think they should take your class.
Brian, Philadelphia, PA
José is a quality instructor and a credit to the NRA.
Michael, Philadelphia, PA
An excellent instructor.
Stuart, Schwenksville, PA
I was very pleased with the basic course that I attended as
I had some experience with Rifles but none with hand guns.
The classroom work was very informative and to the point and led smoothly and naturally to the time on the range.You are a great instructor and I look forward to my next class.
Thanks again for giving me exactly what I was looking for.
Grant, Philadelphia, PA
José is fantastic!
Alycia, Runnemede, NJ